Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Halfway to Baby!

I hit 20 weeks on Tuesday, so I am officially halfway through my pregnancy! We have an ultrasound at the end of the week, so look for a blog update sometime this weekend to see how the ultrasound went and if we were able to determine the sex.

My mom and dad love estate sales. They especially LOVE to buy books at estate sales (from children's books to novels). After one of my students declared that we should name the baby Winky, my mom found an old, old book that she had gotten recently at an estate sale, appropriately titled Winky. The best part of the book is that it centers around a monkey named Winky! haha :) Here is a picture of the book.

This last week was busy with the end of the school year. Since I'm job sharing this coming school year, I had to move my stuff into the classroom I'll be sharing and had to bring some stuff home. I'm restricted to lifting/carrying 20 lbs or less, but I had a ton of help from awesome coworkers and managed to get everything done in a short amount of time. Once Jason helped me carry the rest of my teaching things into our house, I got busy organizing it all. I've found I'm somewhat in a nesting stage right now. All I want to do is keep the house very clean and organized...I guess that's not such a bad thing! But that did keep me busy last week and I never got a chance to post the 19 week picture, which I did take when I made it to 19 weeks. So here's the 19 week pic:
I've been feeling the baby kicking and moving since I was 16 weeks. I've only felt one really strong kick so far, right after eating at BDubbs. Maybe this means the baby really enjoys boneless chicken wings?!? :) The movements I feel are still sporadic, which is to be expected since the baby isn't very big yet. According to baby books and the website, the baby is about 10 inches from head to toe right now (6.5 inches crown to rump), about the size of a banana.

Jason received a few cards for Father's Day, sicne he's a daddy to be. He got a couple Dad-to-be cards and since he already is a daddy to Keegan, Keegan decided to give him a card. Wasn't that nice of Keegan?!

We took the 20 week pictures last night, and Keegan couldn't resist staying out of the pictures. Here a few of the two (three counting the baby) of us.

We're excited to find out the sex of the baby, but of course more than anything we're hoping the ultrasound shows the baby is developing nicely and is healthy. Look for a new post this weekend!

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