Friday, June 24, 2011

Girl or Boy? Phoebe or Phoebo?

It's a BOY!!!!!!!!  :)   (I just had to throw that FRIENDS reference in the title...)

Our little guy is developing very nicely. All the measurements looked good and the markers they look for for Down's Syndrome looked normal! We were incredibly happy to hear that he is developing well. The ultrasound technician said that he seemed very "content." He wasn't turning somersaults or rolling over, but we saw him moving his arms and kicking his legs.

His heartbeat was still high - 155 beats per minute. He weighs 13 oz, which is a tad bigger than what the books say the average baby is at 20 weeks, which is 10.5 oz. The doctor we spoke with after the ultrasound said that with that weight they would normally change my due date from November 8 to November 5, but since I had an early ultrasound at 9 weeks (to determine the due date) they are going to stick with the November 8 date. He explained that early ultrasounds are more accurate due date predictors. But if this little guy stays bigger than the average baby, I'll need to start talking to the doctors about the possibility of me actually delivering a huge baby...Especially since Jason was over 9 lbs and 23 inches long!! I don't know if that is physically possible for me to deliver.

Here are a few still pictures from the ultrasound.

Here is a video of our little guy!

My next scheduled doctor's appointment is at 24 weeks and I'll get tested for diabetes. I've been craving sweets, so I'll have to try to cut down on those closer to the test. Check back next week for a 21 week baby bump picture!