Monday, September 22, 2014

More birthday celebrations

September is and will continue to be a busy month for our family. Half of our family members have birthdays in September. A little over a week after William's birthday, Jason celebrated his 35th birthday. We had cake batter pancakes (a-ma-zing!) for breakfast. Then my parents watched the boys (thank you!) so Jason and I could have a day date. We ate at Barbette and walked around Uptown a little bit. Then we went back to my parents' and played with Nolan at the park while Liam napped. It was a good day! Jason's present is tickets to Beatles Love cirque du soleil while we're in Vegas. I'm so excited!

The boys and I are enjoying our time at home. We go over to my parents' house once per week to hang out with Anika and Abigail and my mom. Those cousins love each other so much! Nolan always asks to go to Mamie's. We've also been filling up our time going to parks, taking long walks, running errands, and playing at home.

Nolan started swimming lessons a few weeks ago and he absolutely loves it! It's the kind where a parent stays in the water with their toddler. Nolan loves using the different swim toys, like a kick board, milk jug, ball, etc. He also isn't afraid to dunk! Brave guy. We're thinking of starting William in swimming lessons next spring. Nolan calls his lessons his "school". It is so adorable. As we were drying off after the first lesson, he happily said, "I need to bring my backpack to my cool (school)! " And after we grabbed some food that night he said, "I want to eat my lunch at my cool." I'm happy he is enjoying it so much! He starts a tumbling class tomorrow night, so hopefully he will love that, too.

William is on the go! He loves walking around everywhere. He's getting sturdier on his feet every day. He just needs to learn how to stand up on his own now, instead of using an object to pull himself up. He did very well at his 12 month well visit today. He is 29.5" (27%) and 20 lb 6 oz (31%). His height has been fluctuating, so I'm hoping it goes back up next visit (he was 51% at 9 months). Poor guy got 4 shots. :( Hopefully he won't have a reaction to them.

William has been trying to say more words and sounds. The other day he was trying to say cow. He kept making the "ca" sound. He also says "mmmmmmm!" for moo. Nolan is always saying things that crack us up. He is really into making friends. The last few times we went to the playground he made a friend to run around with (he told one of them he was

 The other day Jason was working on the car, I was putting Liam down for a nap, and Nolan was watching Rio on TV. A Boy Scout came to the door selling popcorn and Nolan talked to him through the screen and then ran and told me, "Mommy, I made a friend! I don't know his name!" Then ran back to the door. I quickly put William in the pack n play and ran to see what he was talking about. Nolan was already asking the boy what his name was and was telling him that the door was locked (while he tried to open it). It was really cute, but I did have a talk with Nolan about never opening the door, even for a nice boy. Only mommy and daddy open the door and he needs to tell us whenever anyone is at the door. I didn't get into stranger danger with him, because he isn't even 3 yet. But he is able to understand that he doesn't open the door, just Jason and I do. It was just so cute how excited he was, thinking he made a new friend.

Buzz Lightyear insisted on coming on our walk today :)

Nolan put himself to bed at 6! I woke him up after a few minutes. We hadn't had dinner yet

Halloween sneak peek

cutest Woody ever

I love when babies crouch 

Sharing his toothbrush 

Liam's ham face 

Heartbreaking look he is giving me. A cold and four shots.. :(

Barnyard Boogie in Edina 

Nolan had so much fun petting all the animals 

Nolan chose his fedora to go with his sweatpants look. That's questionable, Nolan.

Little bear



Fort fun 

He kills me 

Tough enough to ride a  pink trike 

Little stud

Happy birthday Jason! 

Helping daddy blow out candles 


I've got another climber on my hands. Oh boy. 

Nolan drew a person! So proud of him 

Snuggles :)

Papa's hat is a tad big 

Monday, September 8, 2014

One year old!

We officially have a one year old in our house again...and a walker!! William turned one on Saturday.  He really took off walking last week, a few days before his birthday. It is so adorable to watch him toddle around the room. He side steps to get around things, but can turn himself around. I'm sure in no time he will be running around all over.

William's party went really well! It was a jungle theme (pictures to come in a future post). The kids had fun playing in the new playhouse Jason and I gave to William for his birthday. The weather was gorgeous; we really lucked out! Everyone enjoyed hanging out outside. We ate, opened presents, and watched William devour the cake (he loved it!) outside. William is a lucky guy to have so many family members there for him and to receive such wonderful gifts. Thank you to everyone!

Nolan has still been having ups and downs with his attitude/moods. I'm thinking most of it is due to his age, jealousy over the attention William has been receiving for walking and also his birthday, and still learning to share. Today was a great day, so I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that he is turning a corner. I probably just jinxed myself by saying this though.

Cute things Nolan has said lately:
"Liam is my new brother! I love my new brother!" Nolan, you do know that Liam has been around for the last year, right?!

"This is my family" while hugging us.

At Target, in the checkout lane, trying to look down my shirt, "what is down there? That is your chest? That is where Liam nurses. I nurse down there. I was baby. Babies cry. I cry. Daddy nurse down there?" This is where I jumped in and clarified for everyone, "No!!!" Needless to say, I was dying!

When William is doing something Nolan doesn't want him to do "Liam wants to go over there now."

Words Liam has said: dada, mama (one time!), num num (once or twice), hi, bye bye (a few times), wa-wa (water - once), Ky Ky (Skye, my parents' dog), kee kee (keegy), ca ca (clap clap, said while clapping)

How William says he loves us... It's so cute!!! 

Oh what a year! :)

A walker!

Liam's got the moves like Jagger 

So big and clapping 

Nolan riding his trike 

William loved this song a month ago. He's over it now :)

Nolan's current favorite thing to do at Target 

Playing with William's new drum

Yay cake!

Happy birthday boy

He loves opening and closing the door

Nolan loves the playhouse too 

12 months! So bittersweet to reach this milestone. 

He's so goofy

Nolan's selfie 

Haircuts! Had to get rid of the mullet Liam was growing 

William did awesome - no tears, but he kept turning around as if to ask the lady, "who are you and what are you doing to me?!"

Nolan always hops in the pnp after William's naps. He likes to ask me to take a picture of them. So I do and then he refuses to look or smile. 

Cousins and BFFs 

Cousins and BFFs 

One last time at the splash pad. It was a good run! 

Love my boys 

Nolan loved he firehose 

My baby

Captain Nolan and Papa