Friday, April 25, 2014

Mobile baby!

It's official, William is a crawler! He just started crawling on Friday. I was lucky enough to witness his first crawls. He was so determined! He still is pretty slow and sometimes gives in to rolling where he wants to go, but I'm sure soon enough he will be getting into everything. 

Nolan is cracking us up with what he is saying and doing, like usual. He loves holding Abigail's hand and giving her hugs (and yelling a-bi-Gail!), walking backwards all hunched over, wrinkling his nose at people, chewing on his babies, eating my granola bars first thing in the morning, and  being naughty and running outside when he isn't supposed to (something we're trying very hard to stop, it scares me when I think about what could happen if he was outside by himself). 

Easter weekend was lots of fun. We went to Jason's parents' on Saturday. Nolan had a blast playing with Blake and Brunson. Rich and Colleen had an Easter egg hunt for the boys, which was so much fun. The boys were spoiled with candy, snacks, and a ball. On Easter Sunday the boys (well Nolan) found the baskets. Nolan loved his new puzzles and baby. Then we went to our usual brunch at embassy suites, and the food was amazing as always. Liam was so happy and content at the table, sitting in his high chair eating puffs and trying some table food. Nolan wasn't too hungry, but he behaved nicely. After brunch we went to my parents'. The boys were spoiled again with candy, eggs, and cute summer clothes. After a no-nap for Nolan, we played at the park and then went home.

Tonight the boys took their first bath together. The both loved it! It was so cute to see them grinning at each other. 

Funny/cute things Nolan has said:
"Good bye! I'm going to work!"
"Look at that! Look at that care (Claire)!" Said while pointing to the side of the bed (during a no-nap). When Claire went to investigate what he was pointing at, Nolan booked it out of the bedroom. He tricked her! 
"I took your nose!" Said while pretending to grab my nose
"It's not my butt, it's my behind!" 
"Still sleeping with mommy" said to Jason while nolan snuggles me before bedtime. Melts my heart, even though I think he's doing it to delay bedtime. 
"Are you happy mommy?" Said after I've told him I'm not happy or am upset with his behavior 

Cutie pie on a walk

Happy 4th birthday, Keegan!

Enjoying his new toy

Matching hats!

So cute

Nolan's selfie

Liam's selfie

Liam's first Easter

Swinging on his tummy


Aww love them 

Bow tied boys


Dyeing eggs

Pointing out his favorite eggs

Um, love him

Getting close!

Up on all fours!

My Super Men

Helping me push

Cutest baby

My punky

Friday, April 11, 2014

Picture update!

Not a whole lot new here... Back to school now that spring break is done. And getting outside now that it's spring weather! Nolan couldn't love it more. We need to do some major spring cleanup in our yard, but we spend as much time as possible outside now that we can. 

William is now seven months old! So hard to believe. He is eating meals (oatmeal plus a fruit/veggie/meat purée) twice per day. You can't feed him fast enough. He'll be ready for three meals soon. He loves to eat a banana out of the mesh feeder and is working on the pincher grasp and getting puffs into his mouth. He also uses a sippy. He hasn't learned to tip it up high enough to get water out, but does being it to his mouth and try. he can get the water out if you tip it for him.

Liam scoots and rolls faster than you can blink. Changing his diaper is so difficult. He is so strong!  He's gotten up on all fours a few times. He wants to be mobile. Such a big boy!

Sleep hasn't been horrible for William, but he's not sleeping through he night as much as he was a few weeks ago. His bottom teeth look close to cutting through soon, so that's probably why. 

Nolan is napping again!!!! I am soooooooooo thankful for that. I know his napping will end sometime in the not so distant future, but he obviously still needs it now based on his behavior on days he doesn't nap. His bottom two year molars are in. His tops aren't poking through yet. I'm scared for those. They better not be harder on him than the bottoms. Nolan/I can't handle that! 

Nolan's favorite books right now are Mercer Mayer's little critter books.he especially loves I Was So Mad, Just A Bad Day, and Just A Little Too Little.  Today my mom was getting Nolan down for his nap and was giving him books. Nolan said, "it's a bad day!", meaning he wanted to read Just A Bad Day. My mom didn't get that at first and thought Nolan was saying he was having a bad day.  She quickly realized he wanted to read that book, and laughed at the misunderstanding . 

"I wear mommy shoes."

Love him.

Tried to get a picture of Liam's pretty hazel eyes


Banana in the mesh feeder. Breakfast of champions!

Getting his early morning workout in

Fun in the swing

Waving to the train

Waiting for the train

Happy seven months, sweet boy!

Fun walk!

What's in here?

Just a boy and his dog

Gotta test out the rain boots...a bath followed this walk