Saturday, January 5, 2013

Holidays and Dancing

The holiday season is officially over. It flew by! I go back to work on Monday (boooooo). Nolan had a very happy Christmas with both sides of the family. He made out like a bandit with a ton of clothes and toys! Jason's and my gift to Nolan was a tent with balls (a ball pit) and a tunnel. He loves it! He especially likes it when I go in there with him. Silly guy.

Nolan is still as active as ever! He still loves to climb on everything and anything. He also LOVES to dance! He will dance to commercials, TV shows, the little tune that his farm toy makes, anything! It's so cute. Jason really likes it, since I'm not much of a dancer. Nolan's two favorite things to dance to are Psy's Gangnam Style and the original Beverly Hills 90210 theme song (yes, I still watch that show). Here are some videos of him dancing.

Gangnam Style

Beverly Hills 90210

Here is a video of Nolan knocking down a tower of blocks. He gets so excited when he sees that we've built a tower!

Nolan's expressing his sweet side more and more. He now will come up, put his arms around my neck, and hug me. He kisses two different ways - one way he leans his forehead against yours and lets you kiss him, the other way he will (open mouth) kiss your lips. It is so sweet! Here is one of my favorite videos - he was playing peekaboo with me in his closet and every time he saw me he would kiss me.

Nolan has put two words together a few times. Of course they mostly center around food. He loves to eat! Although he is getting a little picky. So far he has said "mo mama" (more mama), "bye da" (to Jason when he was leaving for work), "aaa du" (all done), and "oh no!". He gets so proud of himself when he says a couple words. He grins and claps with me. 

Here are some of my favorite recent pictures I've taken of Nolan on my phone. 

Those eyes!!! (no filter was used on my phone)

Pretty proud of himself

Looking dapper on Christmas Eve

Having fun with his ball pit and tunnel on Christmas morning

Sweet boy on Christmas day

Out to eat with mama and dada

Having fun at Edinburough


hey cutie


All week he has been practicing saying "ooooh!" in a concerned voice. 

Ready to cheer on the Vikes!

"Oh no!" He was unable to turn my laptop on :)