Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Happy Christmas New Year!

December got the best of me, so I didn't get a chance to write another blog post until now. So now I'll squeeze one in between Christmas and New Years.

The last few weeks were filled with lots of Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, and Nolan excitedly opening another door on our Advent calendar. I never thought he'd be so excited to open it! He would rush and grab it first thing every morning, so curious to see what the new picture would be. He was very excited for Christmas and for Santa to come. I think he was mostly excited for presents (what kid isn't?!), seeing family, and Christmas cookies.

On Christmas Eve we went down to Jason's parents'. We had lunch and then opened presents. Everyone was very generous with the gifts they gave! Nolan made off like a bandit! He did such a good job waiting to open his presents. It was so hard for him, because we open presents one person/present at a time, so he had to wait awhile in-between opening his presents. As soon as he opened his jammies from us (we give the kids new jammies to wear home on Christmas Eve), he had to put them on. So cute. He also opened some of Williams presents, since he's too little to know what's going on.

Nolan had a ton of fun playing with Blake and Brunson. He made a fort with Blake that they had lots of fun playing in. Then later that night we went to Alissa and Derek's for the Germscheid Christmas party. Nolan had lots of fun playing with the kids there. He loved their bunk bed, which made me nervous because he almost tried to get off the top by climbing down the side instead of the back. He has no fear! It's scary sometimes.

The party was fun; it's always a good time chatting with everyone and there's always so much good food. Colleen, Jason's mom, wanted an updated picture of the entire family. We brought our camera to use for the picture, and Jason was holding Nolan and adjusting the camera while everyone was sitting down posing, ready to smile. Nolan took this opportunity to get attention, grinned and loudly said, "Hi everybody!" He's such a ham. All in all Christmas Eve was a success.

On Christmas morning Nolan came into our room and didn't remember that it was Christmas. We told him Santa came last night and he paused for a few moments while it sunk in and then said slowly, "Whoooooooa!" It was adorable. Then I told him that because he was sleeping when we got home last night, I set out the cookies and milk for him and we should go see if Santa ate them. Nolan ran out of the room to check. He was in awe and a few different times that morning clarified with me that Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk.

Next we went and opened presents. Nolan was so excited! We opened stockings first, and both boys enjoyed a few little Snickers bars while we opened. I opened William's while he played with toys we already had. Nolan went back and forth between wanting to open all his presents at once and wanting to play with each present he opened. Then he got to open William's presents again.

After a breakfast of cinnamon buns we went to my parents'. We had a late brunch there with yummy rolls and Danishes and an egg bake Jason and I made. Then we opened presents. Again, everyone was so generous! It's been hard finding a palace to put everything. Nolan had so much fun playing with Abigail that afternoon.

My parents hosted Christmas dinner with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Nolan had a blast running around with Abigail, Max, and Lola (my cousin Erik's kids). He also loved going downstairs into the newly cleaned out and updated basement and playing with the foosball table. He can't stop talking about it! William loved running around like he usually does and being a little ham. It was fun to catch up with everyone and eat more yummy food. It was a great Christmas!

The boys are doing well, as usual. William had his 15 month well check. He is 21 lbs, 13 oz, 33rd%, and 2'7", 37%.  His height keeps going back and forth like Nolan's did, only he is shorter than Nolan ever was. He is a healthy guy and did very well at his checkup. I'm hoping he starts talking more, although the doctor said it sounds like he's on track right now. We're supposed to see a big increase by 18 months, so hopefully we will. The poor boy has been teething like crazy! At 12 months he had 4 teeth and by the 15 month checkup he had 11 going on 12. Now two weeks later he has cut his top eye teeth. All he needs now are his bottom eye teeth and then we'll hopefully have a nice long break until his two year molars. He has been doing very well despite the teething, though. His sleep is poor right when a tooth is first cutting through. This week with the eye teeth cutting through his naps have been very short.

The boys have been sleeping in the same room for a little over two weeks. It's going well on nights when William's not in too much teething pain, and not so well on the painful teething nights. Ideally I'd like the boys to have their own rooms, which they will when we move, whenever that may be. But it is nice to have our bedroom back again! Although I do miss having a tv in the front room. Jason would love to buy a new tv, so we'll see.

Happy early New Year!

Time to sweep!

Check out that big molar

Happy guy

Such a trooper during teething

Nolan kept kissing Liam...he loved it!

Tired guy... Still loves sticking out his tongue!

I adore him

He was hugging me so sweet

Naked sit and spinning 

Goofy guys on Christmas

Checking out the cookie crumbs Santa left 

Christmas Eve outfits

No nap on Christmas Eve... Help me!

Poor Keegs watching us leave 

William facetiming with Cookie Monster

Nolan excitedly telling me what he wants for Christmas while Keegan is mean mugging

Little ham

Kisses for Dino 

He loves when I peek at him from the top of the steps

Helping me make nana bread

Little Einstein 

Crazy hair after his nap

Doing the dishes in underwear... 

Nolan giving Liam a bear hug

Nolan didn't mean to, but he cut out a Gustavus crown. Must be a sign he's going to be a Gustie!

Peek! I see you

Bath time fun

He will not stop drinking bath water

Water helps with a crabby boy! 

The boys helped me make cookies. And yes, Nolan is trying to eat the dough! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tis the Season!

Happy holidays! We are in full Christmas mode here at the McCabe household. Christmas tree and decorations are up, Christmas music is playing (mostly only when Jason is home... I'm more of a Grinch about Christmas music being played all the time), Nolan is excited about Santa coming and presents, and William is saying Santa (to the best of his ability :)). 

So let's all cross our fingers that the McCabes don't get the flu on Christmas, because we were hit with it on Thanksgiving! I'll spare you from the not so fun details, but Jason and I came down with the flu, so we had to skip Thanksgiving at my parents'. Luckily the boys did not come down with it. But it was a depressing Thanksgiving, stuck at home without a fancy meal, knowing we were missing out on good food and company at my parents'. So we better be 100% healthy for Christmas! 

The other big news is that Nolan now has a twin bed. He's been sleeping in it the past few nights. Tomorrow we're going to move William into the room and they will start sharing a room! I'm terrified. Both boys wake up randomly throughout the night and make noise, and William wakes up earlier than Nolan, so I feel like they'll be waking each other up all the time. So we'll see how it goes!

Nolan's last gymnastics class was on Tuesday. After class I asked him how he felt and he told me that he felt both happy and sad. I love that he can express that he feels bittersweet. His last swimming lesson is this coming Thrusday. He's going to be so bummed! He absolutely loves swimming. We'll have to get him in more lessons ASAP. Nolan's new thing is adding the word "cossy" to people's names. It's a word he made up. He calls me "mommy-cossy"' daddy is "daddy-cossy", Liam is "Liam-cossy", etc. Silly guy! 

William is starting to say more words and is trying to repeat us, which makes me happy. We have his 15 month well visit on Thursday, so hopefully that goes well. I don't think he needs shots this time, but I'm not sure. He is such a sweet boy and has such a fun personality. It's awesome to see it come out more and more as he gets older!

Good thing markers are non-toxic! Big tears when I took the markers away..stinker refused to stop eating them!

At least he scribbled a little bit as he ate, right!?

Winter swinging! Taking advantage of this 40 degree heat wave 

Keegan at the end of a yawn...I sent this to Jason and told him Keegan was territorial of Nolan's bed and was growling at us...sorry Jason! Haha 

Sweet doggy

Receiving his gymnastics certificate :) 

Nolan's favorite - the high beam!

Low bar

So excited to try the high bar! 

Running/hopping around in  my old My Little Pony sleeping bag

Snug as a bug in a rug

Basketball pro

Slam dunk! 

Admiring the tree/pulling the lights off...he's actually pretty good about not tearing the tree down!

And the stockings were hung on the bar with care 

Pretty tree!

Happy 15 months, sweet boy! 

Little snowflake at Abigail's birthday party

This kid loves blocks 

Taking turns stacking blocks  

Drinking bath water...let's hope he didn't go potty in there!!

So sleepy at lunchtime 

Nolan kept building block towers for Liam to knock down. "I'm building blocks for Liam, for my little brother."

Getting good at megabloks! 

Thanksgiving at home 

Busy taking important calls at Daddy's work. Up next- lunch, coloring, and playing. Because according to Nolan, that's what Daddy does at work.

Getting good at stringing beads