Monday, July 28, 2014

'Twas the night before the doctor...

So tomorrow is the big day! The day we've been waiting for over the last 9 weeks. We're very hopeful that tomorrow the doctor will allow Nolan to stop wearing his brace. We're also hoping that Nolan will be able to do everything he's been missing for the last 9 weeks - playgrounds, riding his trike, going to the splash pad, etc. When Nolan isn't wearing his brace he is barely limping anymore. His leg doesn't hurt at all. Plus his brace is done for. He has stretched it out, so even when you pull the Velcro as tight as possible the brace doesn't stay up. There are also medal rods poking out the bottom that I've duct taped to keep them up and inside the brace, so we're keeping our fingers crossed for good news tomorrow! 

Nolan is doing very well otherwise. He is such a happy-go-lucky guy! And so silly. He was licking my arm over and over the other day. I said, "stop licking me!" and he negotiated, "just one more lick!"  He also has been so sweet lately, cuddling and giving hugs, saying out of the blue, "I love you, Mommy!" Or "I love you, Daddy!" 

William is doing well, too. Still waiting on those next teeth to come. It looks like the top teeth are finally ready to come in! They have made him so clingy to me lately. Some days I can't even put him down when it's just us at home. Although he is clingy, he'll still give people his adorable smile. He just needs to be close to me right now. 

Liam is so ready to walk, but hasn't worked up the courage to try. But he creeps along everything and can stand on his own for a bit now. So maybe someday soon he'll try taking a few steps! 
He makes the silliest faces. He squints his eyes and gives a silly grin. He knows it cracks us up; Jason and I say we can't wait until he starts talking. It seems like he'll have a lot of funny things to say to make us laugh! 

Nolan and Liam are turning into good friends. They love smiling at each other and giggling. Nolan randomly gives him hugs and kisses and gets worried about him when he gets hurt. It's so sweet!

Some Nolan-isms before pictures:

"You're too big [for the hammock]"- to my cousin Pedar 
"I have hiccups, everybody!"
"Bye, peoples!"
"We're having a happy day at Mamie's!" 
"My hair is fluffy, I need a haircut."
"I need a haircut. I want a lollipop'" (he gets a Dum Dum lollipop after his haircuts)

Nolan: I hear rain on my house.
Me: oh, this is your house?
Nolan: yeah, my house.
Me: is it my house, too?
Nolan: no, not your house. You leave.
Thanks, buddy! 

Finally got our boat on the water!

Poor guy was so uncomfortable in this 

Pointing at himself in the camera

His silly face. He's such a goof :)

My new bike that Jason surprised me husband ever! And happy bikers :)

William surprisingly didn't mind his helmet 

Beyond excited about his own shopping cart at Trader Joe's... My heels got hit a few times during this shopping trip!

What a difference 10 months makes!

Nolan 2 years ago, one year ago, and today

We visited Jason at work and had lunch with him. So fun!

A tree the perfect size for Nolan

Bubble fun

Popping them 

Playing with the water table. These boys LOVE water!

Keegan photobomb!

Another Keegan photobomb!

Pouring water on bus bare tummy. Silly guy!

Victory is mine!

Fun walk to the labyrinth near my parents' house 

Figuring out the maze at Centennial Lakes. "Oh no! Dead end!"

Nolan loved his "smoovie" at Jamba Juice 

Como Zoo

Nolan says the penguins are his favorite. Gee, where does he get that from?!

How big is Liam? Sooooo big!

Showing off his brace 

Hey, Liam. You're doing it wrong. 

Crazy hair!

Peeking through the handle on the gate 

Sweetie pie

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Reading to Liam

Nolan called William into his room to read to him (Yummy Yucky). Liam crawled after him and listened as Nolan read the book. It cut off at the end, but Nolan read the part about eggs being yummy and he asks, "you like eggs, right Liam?" So freaking adorable.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Happy 4th of July! We had a busy but fun 4th. We went to the Sowl's house around 11 and visited with friends. Nolan had fun running all around the house and yard. Then we went to the Richfield 4th of July parade. It was really fun! The city always puts on a great parade and this year was no exception. Nolan and Abigail sat on a blanket on the curb, happily watching the parade and eating candy. At one point they put their arms around each other. It is so, so sweet to see their love for each other.

After the parade we went down to Lake Washington. We had a yummy potluck meal with all of Jason's extended family. Nolan enjoyed running around the yard and house and playing in the "park" (Alissa and Derek's playground set). The boys crashed hard that night!

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with Grandma and Papa and Dustin and Scott. Nolan loves hanging out and playing with all of them! We got out on the boat, which Nolan loved, William not so much. He has to wear a baby life jacket, which looks so uncomfortable. The boys played with a water table. They had a blast doing that! It was Nolan's first time this summer, and Liam's first time ever. They splashed and splashed, grinning the whole time.

When we got home this weekend we filled up our water table and inflatable pools. The boys had a lot of fun playing in those, too. After Jason got the giraffe pool set up Nolan hugged the giraffe and told it he loves it. Liam had fun in the water up until he was trying to crawl back into his pool and nosedived into the water. He got a mouthful and then was a little wary of the water. Hopefully he won't remember that the next time he's in water!

Nolan is still being so sweet to Liam, wondering what he's doing, saying he wants to play with him, getting concerned when he gets hurt. Nolan also has been so sweet to us, telling us over and over that he loves us. It melts our hearts!

William is now 10 months old (what?!?)! I can't believe it! Party planning is underway for his first birthday party.

Here are old and new pictures (some I finally uploaded onto my computer).

Dyeing Easter eggs

Pointing out his favorites


Big boy in the bathtub 

Oh hey

First bath together!

They loved it!

Hey cutie

William's cheesy grin


Sit still? What's that?

Water babies!

He's too much. 

"It's cold!"

splish splash

First time playing with a water table

First time playing with a water table this summer


Nolan and Grayson

Richfield 4th of July parade