Saturday, January 25, 2014


Can winter please be over now? We're already sick of it! Maybe because this has been a brutal winter, maybe because last winter went into May and we didn't get a spring, or most likely a combo of both. Doesn't matter why, we have cabin fever!! When it's safe for Nolan to go outside, we go to target or knollwood. And sadly he is very excited about it, because we don't get out much. Nolan and Jason did get out and play/sled once, on the rare occasion a weekend day was above zero.  Nolan had a blast! I'm hoping February is nicer, since this last week of January doesn't look promising. 

Both boys are doing pretty well. William has been a bit challenging regarding his sleep. Ok, very challenging. I have been very frustrated lately. Frustrated and sleep deprived. Jason too, only more patient than I am. The last few nights have been better, but I'm not holding my breath. We've been trying to figure out what's causing Liam to wake up so often, but we haven't been successful. So unfortunately we may just have to ride it out. Also, his reflux has taken a turn for the worse. We have upped his meds, which is unusual at this age. Usually babies are weaned off meds between 4-6 months, and here we are upping Liam's meds at 4 months. I'm not sure if it's even helping, so we may go back to his normal dosage. we'll give it another week. 

Aside  from sleep and reflux, William is awesome. He's hitting all the milestones on or ahead of time. He rolls both ways and will roll across the room if he feels like it. He also is starting to push straight up on his arms. He's such a sweet baby, so happy and chatty. He recently began to give kisses, sucking on your face. He's still smaller than I think he should/will be, because of his refux. It will be interesting to see how he grows once he outgrows his GERD. He is 25.25" (only .25" smaller than Nolan at this age! And 13.13 lbs - only 12% :(. But I hope this goes up fast when his reflux goes away). We have been trying oatmeal off and on for the last few weeks.  At first William hated it, but now he is starting to catch on and like it. I'm hoping it will help with his reflux and help him gain weight. He just spits up SO much! :(

Nolan is amazing us every day with what he says and does, showing us he understands what we're saying. His favorite book right now is "bicky" (Biscuit). He absolutely loves Legos right now and asks you to play with him, "Mama, come play Legos!" Well, you can't turn that down!  He is such a sweet, fun boy.

Here are some pictures from my phone.  
Nolan's must see at target - the TVs!

I love little boys in overalls :)

He was leaning against the armrest. Strong boy sat up!

This  is a big chew toy, yes?
Little engineer 

Showing Liam the ropes 

Who is that baby in the mirror?!

Just chilling with his feet up 

Love my baby boy 

Lunch date with Nolan - so fun 

Spoiled guy got to go on a few rides 

Baby wearing at Target - gotta start them young!

That awkward moment when you had the car to yourself and three little girls join you :)

Abigail reading to Nolan 

Nolan pretending to sleep 

Four month appt

So happy with Daniel Tiger!

Dapper dude 


My bubs and me 

Keegs somehow got this towel stuck on himself and was walking around the House like this. Ahahahahha 


Nolan will be playing George next season on Downton Abbey. 

He started out on his activity gym.

Trying oatmeal for the first time. Not a fan

Grinning after he spit it out. Stinker. 

4 months!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Videos - Old and New

Here a few new videos (William trying oatmeal and Nolan singing along to Elmo on Sesame Street) and a few old videos I found on my phone. Nolan looks so little!

Nolan learning how to do puzzles (old)

Nolan singing to Elmo (new)

Nolan learning how to open doors. He was so proud! (Old)

Hide and seek with Abigail (old)

William eating oatmeal. We're going to try again in a few weeks. :) (new)

Dancing (old)

Friday, January 3, 2014


Nolan is talking more and more, which is so fun! This morning when he got up I was explaining that William was overtired and crabby (thanks, sleep regression!) and so was I. I told Nolan that Liam woke up a lot last night, so we didn't sleep much, and we don't know why Liam woke up so much. Without missing a beat, Nolan turned to William and asked, "Why Liam? Why wake up now?" So cute! Nolan's favorite word of the week is "now."

And the other night when it was time for bed Nolan said, "Mama, come read book now." He hasn't mastered the "s" at the end of words yet. But he's doing pretty well!

Nolan and me today. I'm excited it's a snow/cold day on Monday, so no school. Please excuse the glasses/frumpiness. Lack of sleep is getting the best of me. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is already 2014. This last year absolutely flew by! Our sweet William entered the world, making it one of the best years of our lives. It was so much fun to watch Nolan go from a young one year old to an incredibly active, energetic, happy, sweet two year old. He is learning new things every day and it is so fun to see. 

We had a very busy Christmas, going to Jason's parents for Christmas Eve and my parents' on Christmas Day. Nolan and William were very spoiled at each Christmas celebration and from us/Santa! It's hard to make room for all the new toys and clothes. What lucky boys! Nolan got overtired because we didn't leave Christmas Eve until 10, so we didn't get home until around 11:30. He did fall asleep in the car and transferred well to his bed when we got home, but he just did not get enough sleep. We're going to have to leave earlier next year. But he was a trooper on Christmas Day and did pretty well considering his lack of sleep. He loved getting presents, but still didn't quite "get it" yet. He would open one present, want to play with it, and not care about the other presents, so I opened most of them. I'm sure next year it will be a different story. 

William is rolling, rolling rolling! Back to tummy still. He still gets mad when he realizes he's on his stomach, but he will last a minute or two before we roll him back onto his back. But then he just ends up rolling back over onto his tummy. Silly guy. We are still going through sleep regression hell. There's no better word for it. We need to figure out how to get him to sleep with his arms out, not swaddled. He is not liking that. Also, he is losing the pacifier way too many times per night for it to be effective. So we'll probably take that away soon and have him learn to self soothe. Not sure when we're going to do these things, but I know it needs to be soon because we are getting very little sleep (less than 5 hours of broken sleep). I keep hoping he'll come out of this regression on his own and start sleeping well again, but I don't think that's going to happen. So we'll probably have to do some sleep training. 

Here is a photo bomb of pictures from the last two weeks (phone and camera). Enjoy!

wearing Dada's shoes

my little love and me on Christmas Eve

My silly guy and me

Nolan's big present from Santa!

in reverse

NYE...Liam wearing one of my favorite outfits of Nolan's!

we had a crazy at Target!

Liam joined our tea party in the Bumbo

Nolan joined William under his activity gym

a liitle fussy here, but rolling. He's mastered it since here and rolls fluidly now

He loves to sleep with his security blanket/lovey on his head

new hat from uncle jeff/aunt jenaye

daddy/William time

a super hero cape and a sparkly headband. sounds about right!

new slippers

playing peekaboo at Target

so apparently it snows in our house?! I have no idea why snow is falling or how it happened to this picture

hey cutie

just rolled over!

woo Gustavus!

another Sophie addict

playing under the activity gym

finally starting to tolerate tummy time on the floor (not just on the Boppy)

Daddy calming William at Fogo

Team Santa!