Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tis the season

Not a whole lot is new since last week, just another crazy week that flew by. I'm pretty excited that I teach one more week, then have two weeks off with my boys. I definitely prefer to be home with them than teaching. William still is not really taking to the bottle too well, only taking 2-3 oz. I had been scared that he would start reverse cycling, and make up for his lost calories by waking up and eating more at night. But I am squeezing in a short nursing session both before and after work, and that has helped make up for what he misses out on while I'm at work. So that has deterred the reverse cycling, which is good news for my sleep. :)
Nolan is still adjusting to the change, but is doing pretty well. He is starting to bond with Claire (my sister's friend who comes and helps when I go to work...don't worry, we pay her) and her son, Max (4 years old). He is having a bit of a hard time sharing with Max and Anika though. He was used to sharing with Abigail, but having to share with Max and now Anika, who is crawling and standing, is new to him. It's good for him to learn to share, of course, but it's tough. 
We took William's 3 month pictures today, so I'll have to edit and post those soon. He's accidentally rolled over a couple times from tummy to back. He was pretty surprised when it happened! He still won't push up on his arms on his own, but does really well when we prop him on his arms. He's a strong boy and can hold his head up really well and also LOVES to stand, but is just so stubborn about tummy time. 
Our Christmas decorations are finally all up and Nolan couldn't be happier. He loves having all the Christmas lights on in the house. I'm going to be scared to take them down. I think he'll be devastated!! 
Look for Liam's 3 month pictures in the next post. 

Nolan perfected "Tommy"

trying out more family members' names

my sweet boy


Nolan getting the toilet ready for Abigail to use. I think he is ready to potty train soon!!!

Pretty happy with the bracelets he found in Mamie and Papa's bathroom

Papa's hat is just a little bit big..

Nolan called Dada on Mamie's old phone. Looks like it was a pretty serious conversation!

And the stockings were hung by the bar with care :)

Relaxing and snuggling my sweet boy on the weekend. Taking advantage of all the snuggles I can!

He's an angry elf.

You can't tell from this pic, but William was so happy I took the newborn insert off the carrier. He looked at me in the mirror and grinned!

This was a picture. How is snow falling?! Seriously. Do I live in Harry Potter's world now?

Nolan loves to kick the snow!

hands always in mouth

happy as always

oh hey, hands are in Liam's mouth. That's weird...

decorating his tree

Just a little bit excited about his Christmas lights :)

pointing out the colors

Smiling about the lights

I was so excited for Thanksgiving I peed my pants. Wait, no, that's spit up. 

tummy time, or torture time as William probably thinks of it as


William and Nolan, pretty much the same age

I love his facial expressions!

Nolan wanted to take a few selfies 

He was actually yelling as he took these

Nolan giggling at his own joke.."I see poop." silly guy :)

little Vikings fans :)

big smiles!

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