Sunday, December 8, 2013

3 months old/Back to work :(

Well, the dreaded day came and went...I had to go back to work. Luckily, I am still job sharing, so I only work afternoons. Four hours isn't so bad compared to being gone a full work day. But oh my goodness are the days busy! The whole morning is mostly getting all three of us ready to go. Then we get to my mom's and I have about an hour to hang out (I'd rather get there and hang out than have to get there and immediately say goodbye). I go to work and basically try to make it through the crazy day (barely any prep, pumping on my lunch break), go back to my mom's and nurse/get Nolan up from his nap, fight INSANE traffic (Friday was the quickest we got home - half hour..not ok), make/eat dinner, a little play time, then bed. Forget housework. We're doing what we need to do to keep the house clean enough. I guess the bulk of cleaning will be on weekends again. Anyway, it was very hectic. And a big adjustment for everyone, including Keegan!
Hopefully we'll settle into a nice routine. In a few months when William is older and can sit and play, it will make things easier. I just feel bad having him sitting in his bouncy chair all morning while I shower and get ready and whatnot, knowing that he'll be stuck in his car seat for so long, so I try to hold him as much as I can, but that slows things down.

I took William to the doctor this week for a weight check, because he hadn't gained as much as we thought he would by 2 months. He has gained 1 lb 4 oz this last month, and has maintained his place on the charts, so the doctor was happy. I'm hoping now that he is on Prilosec and isn't feeling heartburn anymore, he'll start to go up on the charts. since he is nursing better He's only at the 16th percentile, and I don't think he should be that low. But who knows, maybe he's got my genes and just isn't meant to be that big. The doctor was pleased with how he's doing, so I guess I shouldn't be concerned.

New things the boys are doing: William constantly has his hands in his mouth. Maybe he'll be an early teether? He also is starting to giggle. I can't wait for his first real belly laugh! My mom witnessed him looking at and grabbing a toy while he was lying on his back under his activity gym. He also likes to roll over onto his side and watch what is going on around him. Tummy time still isn't a favorite, but we usually can get him to do five minute stints throughout the day (only on the Boppy though..stubborn guy).

Nolan is talking and talking and talking! He is saying new words every day, which is so fun. He also is always putting different words together to make sentences. The longest sentence he has said (to my knowledge): "I want to play that more." His current favorite word is "now."  A few examples - "I eat now." "I wave now." "Go home now." "I play now."

Here are camera photos. We're a little behind and still need to do William's 3 month photos with the board. Look for those to come!

handsome little guy :)

sweet smile

Team Santa

Liam loves his hands

Oh, hey, just having fun with my jungle friends!

Love him!

Team Santa!

Nolan decorating his felt tree

William is actually standing here

Smiley guy

2 months

So he CAN hold his head up! We prop him up on his arms though :)

We perhaps bribed Nolan with a fun size candy bar to take these pictures...

LOVE THIS! my sweet boy

Christmas booties and hat! Little elf

It looks like William is tipped upside down, but I swear he wasn't. Must be the angle I took this!

Nolan's reaction to the Christmas lights we put up in his room around his closet. I think he likes them?!

Pointing out all the colors

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