Saturday, September 21, 2013

2 Weeks Old

I always thought time flew by when we had Nolan, but now that we have two, I seriously have no idea where the time goes! These last two weeks have been very busy, in a good way. Jason goes back to work on Monday, though, so things will get more chaotic for me soon. I'm nervous for that...

William is doing very well! He is a pretty good sleeper (knock on wood). He will sleep in his bouncer chair, his swing, in his pack n play (I try to do one nap in there a day to get him used to sleeping on his own), in our arms, in the car seat. We're trying to make sure he gets enough awake time during the day so his day and nights don't get reversed again. At night we get about 2-3 hour stretches of sleep at a time, which is manageable. I don't feel like a zombie like I did the first month of Nolan's life (we only got 1 hour stretches of sleep, sometimes 2).

Last week when William was one week old we took him to the doctor for the 1 week check-up. Our little man weighed 8 lb, 2 oz! When we left the hospital he was 7 lb, 0 oz, so he gained over a pound in less than a week! I couldn't believe it. The pediatrician thought he looked perfect (so do we), so unless there is a problem we won't go back until 2 months. William's cord fell off later that day, right around the same time Nolan's did.

One thing that I'm watching closely is William's spit-up. He sometimes spits up A LOT, to the point where I wonder if anything stayed down. It also comes out his nose, which can't feel good at all. Poor baby. I'm trying to figure out if there is a pattern to when it happens. I think it happens more often in the morning, when my supply is naturally larger. I'm hoping in the next few weeks the supply and demand will even itself out and my supply will be the right amount for him. I think I have more than he needs right now, and he is taking in too much. But if it doesn't get better and seems to be bothering him (it was this morning), I'm going to take him to the pedi to see if he has GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) like Nolan did, and to see if he should be on Zantac or Prilosec like Nolan was.

We had our newborn photo shoot this past Wednesday with Judd, our wedding photographer (and the one we used for Nolan). Nolan took a lot of coaxing, but he did pretty well for his age and for being an active boy. I go back on this Wednesday to check the pictures out. I'm hoping we got some good ones!

Nolan is still doing pretty well with the adjustment. He still loves doing tummy time with William and giving him kisses. However, he is acting out a little more to get our attention. It's nothing too big right now, but that could change once Jason goes back to work this coming week and he isn't getting that daddy time during the day anymore. Overall he is the same happy, active, funny, sweet little boy he always is.

One of the last times at the Splash Pad (pre-William)

Those eyes!

Earlier in the summer - enjoying a sparkler

Checking my new little man out

Not happy with the first bath

Washing his hair

Daddy and son

Nolan meeting William for the first time

He wanted to touch William

The hospital gave us a cake!

Ready to go home!

Most of William's hair is on the back of his head

He clearly loved the car seat (he actually did once we got moving)

Love this

Checking William out (he was in he pack n play)

Hanging out in the back yard while Nolan played with his water table

Drinking the water (favorite activity with the water table)

cheesy grin :)

So snuggly

Not enjoying the first bath at home (he doesn't cry during baths anymore)

So little!

Big eyes!

Kisses for little bro

Touching gently

Fixing the blanket 

Nolan asked to hold William,,,it lasted 5 seconds :)

1 week old!

Nolan showing off his expressions :)

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