Friday, December 14, 2012

A month later...

The past month has been crazy and busy! A week after Nolan's birthday party, we went to Chicago with my parents to celebrate Thanksgiving with my Aunt Ginny, Uncle Bob, and family. Nolan did really well on the plane, napping in my arms, which I loved. He had a blast running around Bob and Ginny's beautiful new home. What was extra nice was that there were no stairs to worry about, so no baby gates! We had a wonderful time with the family, playing a rousing game of Who Wants to be  a Millionaire. On Black Friday we planned to go downtown, but Nolan ended up with the stomach flu! My mom generously took care of Nolan for the day, urging Jason and me to go downtown with my dad and Uncle Bob. Nolan felt a lot better by the time we got back (thank goodness for babies having mild cases of our illnesses!) Jason and I thought we had managed to escape the icky flu, but literally within an hour of getting home we both ended up getting sick. We are so thankful that we didn't get sick on the plane or in the airport!

Last weekend my brother Jeff got married!!! He and Jenaye got married in a private, outside ceremony at Aamodt's Apple Farm. Afterwords, there was a huge reception with family and friends at the Marriott near the Mall of America and airport. Nolan had SO MUCH FUN running around, eating yummy food, and dancing! He didn't go to sleep that night until 10 pm! It was a busy, exhausting, fun day.

On top of that, Nolan has been busy learning how to climb. He now easily climbs up onto the couch, the table, a chair, you name it, he climbs it. He also loves our Christmas tree. He looks at it and yells until we turn the Christmas lights on! Then when the lights come on he stares at them in awe, smiles, and says, "ahhhhhhhhh"! So cute.

Nolan is starting to say and do some more things now. He understands a lot of what we say. I tell him that I'm going to go get the mail and he runs to the front door ahead of me. Or I tell him that it's time to feed Keegan and he runs to Keegan's dog food container. He also tries to brush his hair with a brush and he is spoon feeding himself (ok, he's messy, but he's doing it!). It's amazing to watch him learn and do things.

Here are some pictures from the wedding. I have pictures on my other camera from Thanksgiving, which I still need to upload, and some cute pictures on my phone, which I also still need to upload. Look for those in a future post. :)

hey blue eyes :)


We see you!

Our little family at the groom's dinner :)

Jeff + Jenaye at their beautiful outdoor ceremony

Excuse me, mom, I'm trying to watch my uncle get married!

Husband and wife!

Picture time inside Aamodt's

Love this

The groom and his nephew

Stop it. Too cute!

Sooooo pretty!

Silly cousins!

Bunny face. Nolan's favorite look for when he's mad, frustrated, silly, or for any reason, really. 

Sweet speeches.

Dance time!

Dada and Nolan having a blast on the dance floor. :)

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