Friday, August 24, 2012

Nolan is WALKING!!!

Yes, that's right! Nolan is walking at 9.5 months! Holy cow. About a week ago, Nolan started to let go of what he was holding onto and try to walk into our arms. At first he would just kind of step, step, tumble, and it felt more like a delayed fall than a walk. But just a few days ago, it turned into real steps where he made it into our arms without tumbling down! It is so fun to watch him. Nolan gets the biggest smile on his face after he successfully takes a couple steps. Sometimes he gets a grin on his face right before he walks because he knows what he is about to accomplish. The most he has done so far is five steps. And of course, it is completely on his terms. He won't walk when you want him to or when you're hoping he will. It mostly happens when you aren't watching him like a hawk. Jason and I are so proud of him (and he is of himself, as he should be!)

Here's a video of him walking today.

I never posted Nolan's 9 month stats from the doctor. He is 21 lbs, 0 oz (57%), and 28 3/4" (67%). He is a growing boy!! He is quickly growing out of his 9 month (6-12 month for some brands) sized clothes, and getting into the 12 month (12-18 month for some brands) sized clothes.

Jason and I played professional photographers (ha!) for Nolan's 9 month photos. Here are a few of our favorites. We'll be taking him back to Judd Sather ( for his 1 year photos.

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