Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On the Go

Nolan is officially mobile! Our days are never dull now. Late May, Nolan started getting up on all fours and rocking. He did this for quite some time, about a month. Slowly he started figuring out how to crawl. First he would lunge forward,then he started to move his knees, and finally he started to move his hands. One morning it all clicked and he started crawling! It's so much fun to watch him learn how to crawl. He is a determined little guy. You can tell he is so proud of himself and feels like such a big boy.

Not only is Nolan crawling, but he is pulling himself up to kneeling and standing positions. He loves to stand and cruise. He isn't the best at cruising yet, but I'm sure he'll be a pro at it in no time. He throws no caution to the wind; Nolan will turn around while he's standing and try to walk and will just fall if I don't catch him. Once he figures out how to balance on his own, he'll just take right off.

Just last Friday Nolan learned how to climb stairs. He isn't very fast at it yet, and doesn't quite have the hang of it yet, but he manages to make it up a couple stairs. You can't let him out of your sight for a second!

This boy is a mover and a shaker! I can only imagine how long he has wanted to get around our house. He is just thrilled that he is able to do so now. I'm proud of our mobile little guy. :)

First time crawling!

Learning how to round corners


Exploring our home

Having fun on the Fourth

Climbing stairs!

Checking out the books

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