Friday, April 13, 2012

Rice Cereal

In my last post I explained that Nolan's reflux has gotten progressively worse. Like to the point where I was worried he was going to lose weight. Well, he has been on Zantac for a week now and rice cereal for almost a week, and things are SO MUCH BETTER! Makes me feel bad, that I should have started him on those things awhile ago. Anyway, Nolan still opens his mouth like a little bird for the cereal. It's so cute! He gets cereal every morning and every night now. Some nights he is too tired for it. He'll put his hands in his mouth, get cereal on them, and then tiredly rub his eyes. He ends up with cereal all over! Those nights I just throw the cereal out and get him ready for bed.

Tomorrow we're going to start him on veggies. Probably something super delicious (yeah, right!) like peas or green beans. We'll work our way through the veggies, introducing a new one every few days - peas, green beans, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. Then we'll introduce yummy fruit. I'm excited to see which foods he likes the best!

Along with the cereal, we've started signing with Nolan. Laurie bought me a great baby sign language book for Christmas. We're starting with about 5-8 signs and then we'll add more. Right now we're signing for hungry, eat, more, all done, mama, and dada. We don't expect Nolan to start signing back for a few months, of course, but it's exciting to think that we'll be able to start understanding his wants and needs more when he starts signing.

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