Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rolling Over, Talking and Giggling!

Nolan has been rolling over, giggling, and chatting up a storm recently! He was an early roller - at 10 weeks old! He first rolled over at my mom's house. I thought it was just a fluke, that he somehow rolled over without meaning to. But a few days later he rolled over again. Then a few days after that he really got the hang of it and rolled over 9 times in one morning! I kept putting him back on his tummy and he would just roll right over. He prefers to roll to his left, although he's rolled over to his right a few times. Since then he has been rolling over a lot. This past week he hasn't rolled over much at all. I think he is enjoying tummy time more now that he has good neck control and can push up onto his hands for a longer period of time. Here's a video of the morning he really got the hang of it (not the best video, kinda shakey, but you can see him roll).
Nolan has been talking for quite some time, but this week he turned into a chatterbox! He just talks and talks, especially when he is on the changing table. My mom sent a cute picture text of him talking to Grover while he was on his tummy at her house. Here is a video of Nolan chatting with me while he is on the changing table.

Nolan started giggling! He was 12 weeks old when he started. This week he has been giggling every day. It is the sweetest noise. My cheeks always hurt from smiling so much every time he giggles. I was able to capture it on video. It's really quick; I haven't been able to capture a longer one yet. I'll keep trying. :)

And here is a cute picture I snapped of Nolan while he was doing tummy time last week.

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