Happy holidays! We are in full Christmas mode here at the McCabe household. Christmas tree and decorations are up, Christmas music is playing (mostly only when Jason is home... I'm more of a Grinch about Christmas music being played all the time), Nolan is excited about Santa coming and presents, and William is saying Santa (to the best of his ability :)).
So let's all cross our fingers that the McCabes don't get the flu on Christmas, because we were hit with it on Thanksgiving! I'll spare you from the not so fun details, but Jason and I came down with the flu, so we had to skip Thanksgiving at my parents'. Luckily the boys did not come down with it. But it was a depressing Thanksgiving, stuck at home without a fancy meal, knowing we were missing out on good food and company at my parents'. So we better be 100% healthy for Christmas!
The other big news is that Nolan now has a twin bed. He's been sleeping in it the past few nights. Tomorrow we're going to move William into the room and they will start sharing a room! I'm terrified. Both boys wake up randomly throughout the night and make noise, and William wakes up earlier than Nolan, so I feel like they'll be waking each other up all the time. So we'll see how it goes!
Nolan's last gymnastics class was on Tuesday. After class I asked him how he felt and he told me that he felt both happy and sad. I love that he can express that he feels bittersweet. His last swimming lesson is this coming Thrusday. He's going to be so bummed! He absolutely loves swimming. We'll have to get him in more lessons ASAP. Nolan's new thing is adding the word "cossy" to people's names. It's a word he made up. He calls me "mommy-cossy"' daddy is "daddy-cossy", Liam is "Liam-cossy", etc. Silly guy!
William is starting to say more words and is trying to repeat us, which makes me happy. We have his 15 month well visit on Thursday, so hopefully that goes well. I don't think he needs shots this time, but I'm not sure. He is such a sweet boy and has such a fun personality. It's awesome to see it come out more and more as he gets older!
Good thing markers are non-toxic! Big tears when I took the markers away..stinker refused to stop eating them!
At least he scribbled a little bit as he ate, right!?
Winter swinging! Taking advantage of this 40 degree heat wave
Keegan at the end of a yawn...I sent this to Jason and told him Keegan was territorial of Nolan's bed and was growling at us...sorry Jason! Haha
Sweet doggy
Receiving his gymnastics certificate :)
Nolan's favorite - the high beam!
Low bar
So excited to try the high bar!
Running/hopping around in my old My Little Pony sleeping bag
Snug as a bug in a rug
Basketball pro
Slam dunk!
Admiring the tree/pulling the lights off...he's actually pretty good about not tearing the tree down!
And the stockings were hung on the bar with care
Pretty tree!
Happy 15 months, sweet boy!
Little snowflake at Abigail's birthday party
This kid loves blocks
Taking turns stacking blocks
Drinking bath water...let's hope he didn't go potty in there!!
So sleepy at lunchtime
Nolan kept building block towers for Liam to knock down. "I'm building blocks for Liam, for my little brother."
Getting good at megabloks!
Thanksgiving at home
Busy taking important calls at Daddy's work. Up next- lunch, coloring, and playing. Because according to Nolan, that's what Daddy does at work.
Getting good at stringing beads
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