Teething and colds strike again! Poor Nolan has been hit the hardest. It's affected his sleep so much though. It's been pretty difficult! He's had trouble falling asleep and has been getting up 1-3 hours earlier than his normal. Naps are hit and miss again. He has so much sleep debt, you can see it in his eyes and in dark circles. So obviously that means it is affecting his behavior. I'm really hoping that those darn molars finally break through and this annoying cold finally goes away so he can feel better and then hopefully sleep better. So then Jason and I can sleep more.
Liam's second tooth just broke through on the bottom and his cold is almost gone, so his sleep is about back to normal, still waking up a little earlier than usual.
I've been so tired that it's hard to remember other fun milestones or things that have been happening. On Mother's Day we went to the MN Zoo and then went to Yogurt Lab for yummy frozen yogurt. Both boys did really well, with Liam napping in his stroller at the zoo. Nolan LOVED all the animals! The bear put on a show for us, walking right up to the window and shaking. Nolan and the bear were pretty much nose to nose at one point. It was intimidating for me, but Nolan loved it! Brave guy. He also loved feeding the goats at the farm. He walked the entire time at the zoo. He has so much energy! Give me some, please.
Liam has been busy crawling and now walking with the dinosaur at my Mom and Dad's. Reminds me so much of Nolan! They've been hitting the big milestones (rolling over, sitting, crawling, walking with assistance) at pretty much the same exact ages. I don't expect William to walk at 9 months like Nolan, though. That is so early to be walking!
Today William said "ma" for the first time. He's been saying "ba" for a few weeks now, which is so cute. He says it all the time, but it's hilarious when he is mad because he says it in an angry voice, "BA BA BA!" haha. I wonder what he's trying to say. He also will randomly unlatch while nursing, look up at me, grin, and say, "Ba!" and then re-latch. Silly guy.
Nolan has been mastering jigsaw puzzles, which makes me happy because soon I'll have a puzzle buddy. I haven't done a puzzle for so long. He also is starting to get the hang of pedaling his trike, but he still prefers to run everywhere. Faster that way, I suppose. :)
We finally were forced to turn Nolan's car seat around. We were keeping him backwards for as long as possible, because that is safest for a toddler's developing spine. But his head was almost to the maximum height for rear facing (one inch below the top of the car seat) and his legs were falling asleep during car rides. It was so, so funny the first time it happened. I didn't know his feet/legs were asleep and he didn't know what the sensation was. I scooped him out of his car seat and put him on the ground. His knees buckled and he squatted. I helped him up and the same thing happened. He very seriously said, "I no walk. I no walk anymore. I fall down." As if he was no longer able to walk and would never walk again. I cracked up and he just seriously stared at me. I tried explaining that his feet fell asleep. He quickly got feeling back and started walking/running around. He wasn't too bothered by it. :)
Tomorrow William and I leave for Boston for my Uncle Philip's celebration of life. I'm hoping Liam does well on the plane rides! Nolan and Jason already have a fun-filled weekend planned out. I'm going to miss those guys! Keegs, too. :)
Stage 5 clinger... Poor sicky babe. :(
Love him!
Whatcha lookin at, Nolan?
Looking outside together
Mastering a jigsaw. Smarty, these are for 3+!
Not feeling the selfie
Playing under the high chair and in Keegan's water dish while I get breakfast ready
Nolan's sweatshirts were dirty, so he wore his sports coat for the walk. We got a lot of amused smiles on that walk!
Kisses for Liam
Big boy learning to take steps!
So happy and proud
Touching the goat's beard.
Petting the goat
Laughing after the goat nibbled his fingers
Goat smiles
Playing outside
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