What's new since my last post - Nolan is working on two year molars. The bottoms are almost all the way in. Hopefully the tops come in soon and fast! It's affecting his sleep and behavior, so it's been challenging.
Nolan was recently on a coloring kick. He would sit at the table while I got breakfast or dinner ready and color a picture for someone and put stickers on it. He isn't doing it as much as he was a few weeks ago. It was so cute, though. He worked so hard on those pictures and was so proud of himself!
Also new - Jason and I are temporarily sleeping in the front room. Keegs too. We realized that we were waking William up at night and vice versa. His sleeping has improved since we have moved to the front room. Soon we'll cut him off from his middle of the night feeding. Once he is consistently sleeping through the night and is sleeping in until a reasonable hour , we will move him in with Nolan and we will reclaim our room. We'll see how long this process we'll take! Hopefully not too long.
William is working on both sitting up and trying to get up on all fours. He came so close to doing so the other day! He's going to be an active one like his brother! As usual, he is our happy little guy. I take him to the doctor on Thursday for his six month appt. Hopefully the shots won't affect him too much! I always hate that part.
Funny/cute things Nolan has said/done lately (I really need to write these down):
Greeting me at the door: hi mommy! I'm pooping in my diaper!
Hopping out of his chair at macaroni grill for my dad's birthday: I'll be right back!
Anika fell down: are you ok, Ani?
Coming into the room after leaving for whatever reason: I'm back, mommy! I'm back, daddy!
Nolan also is singing along to songs now (chimes in with a few words here and there) and is trying to read books. So cute!
Our Irish boys!
Big boy!
Working hard to get up in all fours
So close!
No nap this day (thanks teeth), so Nolan fell asleep on the way home
Liam selfie
Grabbing those toes!
The morning after Liam slept through the night! It happened twice in a row last week!
Nolan was so tired after the Children's Museum last Sunday
He had a blast playing at the Children's Museum!
Happy six months to our sweet, happy, adorable baby boy!
Love him
He found his sticker, as you can tell
Sticking out his tongue! One of his new tricks
Brotherly love
Love this picture!
Liam likes to give French kisses now. Watch out!
Big boy sitting in a high chair at a restaurant!
The sweetest
Giving kisses
So happy
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