Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring break

This week I was on spring break and got to spend every day with the boys, which was awesome! The weather didn't cooperate like I hoped it would, so we were stuck indoors. Sunday looks nice though, so we should get to be outside a lot then (hopefully!).

We spent a lot of time watching Frozen (I may be more obsessed than Nolan. I mean, the soundtrack is amazing). We also did lots of Legos, read books, finger painted, had several tea parties, looked longingly out the window (haha), and relaxed.

One thing Nolan did not do was nap.
Ugh. That kid needs to start napping again! His teeth are still really bothering him. The bottoms are almost all the way in. He won't let me look at the tops. They better be coming in, too!

William is having a blast rolling all over on the floor and scooting. He is a mover and a shaker like Nolan! I am both looking forward to and dreading the day he becomes mobile. He already is able to scoot himself over to Nolan's toys and try to play with them. Today he made his way over to Nolan and batted at Nolan's mega block tower. As you can imagine, Nolan was not impressed. I foresee a lot of lessons on sharing in the near future!

On Tuesday Jason took the day off and we went to Stillwater and had our pictures taken by Judd (William's six month photos). Today I took the boys back there and we picked out the photos we liked  best (there were some really good ones!) I can't wait to get the digital prints. I will post them on here when we do.

Yesterday I took the boys to Sea Life Aquarium at the MoA. Nolan loved it! He did such an awesome job walking with me and staying right by me. He brought both his little babies with him and held onto them the whole time. One of them was usually in his mouth (thanks, two year molars). After the aquarium we looked out at Nickelodeon Universe. Nolan said he wants to go on the rides. Looks like we'll have to go back there soon!

Big boy learning to use a sippy!

The sweetest

Nickelodeon Universe

Checking out the shark

In awe

Nolan loved the tunnel!

Pointing out the shark

I love this picture.

Showing me his babies

Sting rays

Tough guy Liam

Trying to decide how he can take Keegan's Nyla bone

Nolan wasn't sure if he liked being messy

Creating a masterpiece 

Silly boy

Love him!!

Super excited for his hot fudge sundae

Trying on Daddy's boots

They're a little clunky

This picture is hilarious. 
These carts are not fun to push around.

Cheesy smile

Goat noise! Tommy is so proud 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Teething hell

Yes. That's right. Teething hell! Nolan and his two year molars are at war. And the two year molars are winning. By a lot. I think Nolan has maybe napped twice in the last two weeks? And it's obvious by his behavior. We are going through a very tough/rough phase here, thanks to the combo of pain from teething and lack of sleep due to teething. It's definitely very challenging. I hope those teeth shoot through fast!

Despite the tough times, we still see our sweet boy in there somewhere. The other day I asked him what daddy does at work and he said, "daddy play with fens (friends)" and "daddy take nap!" If this is true, I want Jason's job. :)
The other new thing Nolan is saying is "love". The other day he said, "I love mommy!" Today he said, "Mamie, I love you!" He also says things like "I love blue'" and "I love nana bread!"

Can our sweet, happy boy (who actually naps) please come back to us!? ASAP. Thank you!

William is doing well, per usual. He is my little guy, weighing 15 lb 13 oz (13%) and 26.5" (31%). I haven't given up hope that he will start to grow more and be a little taller. He passed his developmental checks with flying colors. He actually sat on his own for a good ten minutes the other day! Such a big boy. The pedi and I decided that we will stop his reflux meds (yay!)! If he starts to exhibit the symptoms again (arching back, fussiness while nursing,  lots of spit up) we can always put him back on the meds.

Liam's been sleeping pretty well this week, making it until about 5:00-5:30 until he wants to nurse and then going back to sleep until around 8:00. I'll take it! I'm sure I just jinxed myself by posting this, and now he'll start waking up multiple times per night again.

Belly laughs!

Goat noise! Uncle Tommy is so proud 

Ummm how can you not love him?!

My happy guy!

Stop! You're too cute 

Love his teething face :)

Who needs a tree when you have an elliptical?!

Don't you dare take my yogurt

Sweet boys having a tea party

This cinnamon roll is delicious 

Who needs toys when you have a water bottle?

Open wide, baby bird!

Liam's sweet smile when Nolan and I say and sign "all done!"when he's done eating :) 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy St. Patty's!

Cheers to St. Patrick's Day and hopefully spring weather! This family cannot wait to get outside on walks again. Keegan included. I am so ready for warmer weather! I have all of Nolan's old summer clothes ready to go for Liam and have bought a bunch of new summer clothes for Nolan (and some for William, too. He can't have only hand-me-downs!).

What's new since my last post - Nolan is working on two year molars. The bottoms are almost all the way in. Hopefully the tops come in soon and fast! It's affecting his sleep and behavior, so it's been challenging.
Nolan was recently on a coloring kick. He would sit at the table while I got breakfast or dinner ready and color a picture for someone and put stickers on it. He isn't doing it as much as he was a few weeks ago. It was so cute, though. He worked so hard on those pictures and was so proud of himself!

Also new -  Jason and I are temporarily sleeping in the front room. Keegs too. We realized that we were waking William up at night and vice versa. His sleeping has  improved since we have moved to the front room. Soon we'll cut him off from his middle of the night feeding. Once he is consistently sleeping through the night and is sleeping in until a reasonable hour , we will move him in with Nolan and we will reclaim our room. We'll see how long this process we'll take! Hopefully not too long.

William is working on both sitting up and trying to get up on all fours. He came so close to doing so the other day! He's going to be an active one like his brother! As usual, he is our happy little guy. I take him to the doctor on Thursday for his six month appt. Hopefully the shots won't affect him too much! I always hate that part.

Funny/cute things Nolan has said/done lately (I really need to write these down):
Greeting me at the door: hi mommy! I'm pooping in my diaper!
Hopping out of his chair at macaroni grill for my dad's birthday: I'll be right back!
Anika fell down: are you ok, Ani?
Coming into the room after leaving for whatever reason: I'm back, mommy! I'm back, daddy!

Nolan also is singing along to songs now (chimes in with a few words here and there) and is trying to read books. So cute!
Our Irish boys!


Big boy!

Working hard to get up in all fours

So close!

No nap this day (thanks teeth), so Nolan fell asleep on the way home

Liam selfie

Grabbing those toes!

The morning after Liam slept through the night! It happened twice in a row last week!

Nolan was so tired after the Children's Museum last Sunday

He had a blast playing at the Children's Museum!

Happy six months to our sweet, happy, adorable baby boy!

Love him 

He found his sticker, as you can tell


Sticking out his tongue! One of his new tricks 

Brotherly love

Love this picture! 

Liam likes to give French kisses now. Watch out!

Big boy sitting in a high chair at a restaurant! 

The sweetest

Giving kisses

So happy
