Isaac Richard is here and is already 2 months old! He was born in another quick delivery, but thankfully not as fast as Liam's. Labor began around 11 pm. We got to the hospital at 1 am and I was dilated to 7. I was able to get the epidural (amazing relief... You don't realize how nice it is to feel the absence of pain). After pushing through one contraction Isaac was born! He was 6 lb, 14 oz, and 19". He has his own look to him, which is fun. He does look more like Nolan than Liam, though. He has been the calmest, easiest baby. He is on omeprazole for reflux, but other than that he is very healthy! He adores his big brothers and they adore him. Both boys are so, so sweet with him. I sometimes have to tell them to back off and give Isaac room to breathe!
Isaac is now 11 lb, 7 oz, and 22.75" long. He does pretty well with tummy time and loves to talk to the hanging toys in the activity gyms. He is such a sweet addition to our family, we couldn't love him more!
Nolan is 4 now and is acting more and more like a kid and less and less like a toddler. He is doing very well in school and has made best friends with a boy named Owen. Nolan is very stir crazy right now with winter weather and with staying home more than usual with a newborn. He needs it to be spring! As do I so he can get more energy out. We have gone skiing once with my dad and are hoping to go again soon. Daredevil Nolan just wanted to bomb the hill. Does that surprise anyone?
William is doing well, too! He is almost 2.5. He loves to count and always negotiates with us to play for longer or get more cookies. We say one more minute, he says no, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 minutes while counting on his fingers. He can count from 1-10, then skips to 14-20, then 25-29. Liam also knows the alphabet and can identify most letters. He has mostly learned through puzzles and watching/listening to Nolan. He definitely looks up to him! They get along really well, but also get on each other's nerves as all siblings do.
I'm going to try to post more often now that Isaac is a little older and not as needy. Still haven't figured out the picture thing yet. I'll post pics as soon as possible .
William quotes:
"fly to the moon"
"Just one minute"
"Mama" in amused voice
"Wee!!!" As he's being carried around
"Why?!" In amused voice
"I touch head!" "I touch hair!" Referring to Isaac
"I see somefing"
Liam called GG papa on his play phone. He said he was eating cheese and said, "Love you too!" Before he hung up. :)
"I see baby brudder."
"I see Ikick."
Nolan quotes:
"when will I be five? When is my next party?" He said as his party was ending.
"I am fearless Nolan!"
"Isaac, do you want to play with me when you're bigger? That would be fun! And what about candy land? And chutes and ladders? That is fun. It's really long!"
"We can find fossils and make them into dinosaurs on the iPad. Do you want to do that?"
"What's your favorite color? Do you want to go to the zoo? There are butterflies. There are some beauties. You can feed the giraffes. They're really tall."
"I'm so happy we have a baby."
"Goodnight, sweetheart." To Liam
"I'm so glad we have our Isaac."
"I'm going to give you a big hug because I love you so much!" Said to me
"I don't want to stop kissing you. I just love you so much!" Said to me