Nolan loves to count!
Bubble mower
Nolan skiing! Can't wait to get him out there next year
Liam's happy dance
Nolan and Abigail on the tire swing
Liam hiding. So cute
William belly laughs
The Next Michael Jordan
Keegan playing fetch
Who is this big boy and where did my baby go!?
They love this!
Oh Keegan
Nolan's last swimming lesson
Nolan has noticed a lot of books say "boo hoo" when characters cry. So now he actually thinks this is what people say when they cry, so now he says it when he is crying/fussing. It's so cute
Zip line at Veterans Park. So fun!
Nolan getting the hang of his balance bike!
William's message for Uncle Tommy
Nolan getting the hang of the fire pole. Such a big boy!
These three chasing after bath time. So adorable!
Nolan is a thrill seeker!
Carefree running
Nolan jumping into the pool
Monkey crawl
Back float
Front float