February is almost half over already! We've been very busy...staying indoors. What else is new?!? With the expected heat wave coming up (30's), we're hoping to get out of the house a little more. Nolan would love to play outside in the snow again, so hopefully it will work out.
Both boys are growing, growing! We've noticed that some of their outfits are getting too small for them. Maybe that is why William is keeping me up so much at night! He needs the extra calories. His spit up has gotten a bit better, so that's been nice!
William is now five months old and is learning new things all the time. Today he started blowing raspberries and he grabbed his foot during a diaper change. He also is starting to get good at sitting up. He still needs assistance because he topples so easily, but he's getting sturdy!
William loves eating his baby oatmeal and purees. He gobbles it up...you can't give it to him fast enough! He sometimes fusses between bites he is so anxious for more food. And since he is grabbing at everything now (including my hair - ouch!), he grabbed spaghetti right out of Jason's bowl while Jason was holding him and eating. I think we'll hold off a few more months on table food, little buddy! haha
One of my favorite things William does now is give kisses. Big, open mouth kisses. It is so sweet! Also slobbery. And you have to watch out for a random spit up. Wouldn't want that to get in your mouth! But he just loves giving kisses, especially to his cousin, Anika, who loves to shower him (and Nolan) with kisses.
Nolan has been really sweet with Liam lately, giving him kisses and patting him. When Liam cries in the car, it upsets Nolan and he usually yells, "No, Liam! No cry!" I've been working on having Nolan say in a kind voice, "It's ok, Liam!" And today Nolan did! It was so sweet to hear him say that. Nolan also was trying to make William laugh today by making funny noises. I can't wait until they can interact more. They will have so much fun!
Nolan has been talking up a storm! It is so fun to hear what comes out of his mouth. Here are some memorable things:
*I asked Nolan what he wanted for breakfast. He went in the fridge, grabbed the Ketchup, set it down on the table, and said, "I need ham, too."
*Abigail was playing near the corner of the room. Nolan said, "B in corner! That funny!"
*I was wearing a new headband. Nolan asked, "Oh, what that?" I said, "It's a headband. Do you like it?" Nolan said, "Um, no. I don't. I don't." I asked, "Why not?" He said, "It yucky." Thanks, buddy!
*My mom set a plate of chicken/rice casserole down in front of Nolan for lunch. He looked at it, pushed it away, and said, "Me no like this food."
Here are some pictures from our camera. I'll have to post some phone pictures soon, too. Also, William is getting baptized this Sunday, so I'll post those pictures when I get a chance.
4 months old - 1/6/14
Handsome guy!
Ready to play in the snow for the first time ever!
4 months old :)
Crazy guy
Showing Liam how the exersaucer works
He likes it!
Oh, hey bud
5 months old - 2/6/14
big smiles!!
Love him!
Nolan pretty psyched about his big boy bedding! About time we got it. He's been in the converted crib to toddler bed for months!
Love him!