Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Baby is dancing! 39 weeks, 3 days

A little slap happy before nap time. Fra-gi-le is from A Christmas Story

Kisses for Dada

Crazy dog!

Nolan seeing that his baby's foot was amputated (after he bit it so much that it was hanging on by a thread)

How Keegan cools off

Nolan talking to Talking Tom cat. I love when he giggles and says, "no no no!"

More Talking Tom

Any time now!!!

Well it's almost my due date! Baby can come any time now! We'll see if this will be an August baby or a September baby. I just hope the baby comes before school starts next Tuesday. haha :)

The last few weeks of summer vacation were relaxing but fun. Our time was mostly spent hanging out close to home, in case baby decided to come early. Nolan, Keegan, and I went on many walks and also played in the water table and giraffe pool in the backyard. We also got together with my mom, Laurie, Abigail and Anika. I also took Nolan to the Splash Pad and he loved it this time!! At first he held my hand for a few minutes, but he quickly realized he liked the water, so then he walked all around it on his own. He played in the water, got his hair and face wet, and enjoyed people watching. 

We went to the State Fair last Friday. Nolan did a great job riding in his stroller. He even took a nap in the heat/crowd/noise! He also enjoyed the french fries and Sweet Martha's cookies. :) We did have to stop a lot so I could rest, but we were able to enjoy the day at the fair. Next year we'll have to stop at the Kidway so Nolan can go on some of the rides.

Last weekend was busy with grandparents. Rich and Colleen came up on Saturday and spent the day with us. Rich and Jason got the railing put up on the open side of our stairs, which makes me feel so much better about Nolan walking up and down the stairs! He mostly walks and holds the wall/railing now, instead of sliding down on his bottom. Such a big boy! While they were working on the stairs, Colleen and I played with Nolan outside. He played in his giraffe pool, on his zebra, I pulled him around in his wagon, he went in his swing. That night we all went out to eat at Bunny's. It was a great day!
On Sunday my parents came over and we took Nolan to the Splash Pad again. He had fun playing there again. It's so cute to see him running around the splash pad, and then stopping every now and then to watch the big kids playing. We also took him to the toddler park that is near the Splash Pad. He showed off all the things he knows how to do: jump on the bridge, rock on the bumblebee, slide down the big slide. He had a blast!
Nolan is lucky to have such wonderful, loving grandparents!

Nolan's new trick is showing off different facial expressions. He can do happy, sad, mad, surprised, and scared. He also can fake cough, sneeze, fuss, laugh, and yawn. His yawn is my favorite. It's hilarious. I recorded him doing all of these with our video camera. I should get it on my phone too, so I can upload it on here.

Since I haven't had the baby yet, I'm back to work this week for workshops. My schedule is different this week than what it normally will be. I'm working a couple full days instead of half days every day. It's been a little hard on Nolan since we were together every day this summer. He has mixed emotions because he absolutely loves playing at Mamie's with Abigail (and Anika), but he misses me. So this morning as I was driving us to my mom and dad's, we were talking about where we were going, who we were going to see, and what the day was going to be like. When I said that I was going to work and he would eat and go night-night at Mamie's, I saw his little hand pop up in the rear view mirror and he said, "More, mama!" meaning he wanted us to hold hands. So we held hands as I drove. It was really sweet. :)  

Here are some pictures from the last of our summer vacation. Still trying to get the videos to upload...

left: 39 weeks with Nolan, right: 39 weeks with baby #2

Nolan is getting really good at Legos! He's pretty proud :)

left: 38 weeks with Nolan, right: 38 weeks with baby #2

Jason and Nolan going down the giant slide at the State Fair. Nolan loved it!

Nolan and Chet (my friend Lena's son). They're about 2 months apart. 

Cute guy taking a break at the Splash Pad

white sudsy beard!

Nolan and Jason holding hands on our walk :)

One last date night before baby #2 makes his/her appearance!

Happy guy playing in the giraffe pool

Chillin' in his chair

On the bridge at the toddler park

Rocking on the ladybug

Climbing up the slide (after he saw the big kids do it of course)

Why, yes, that is dirt around his mouth. He may have eaten some...

Thrilled with his new fire truck from Mamie and Papa!

Kissing the kitty that Christine gave him. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer, don't end!

A few updates since the last post - I am almost 37 weeks pregnant now! I went to the doctor early this week for my 36 week check-up. Everything is going well, and the baby is actually measuring about a week ahead! Don't get too big, baby! haha. The baby is definitely going through a growth spurt. I took a picture on Sunday when I turned 36 weeks and one today, at 36 weeks 5 days. You can see that my belly has grown! I am starting to get more and more uncomfortable, more so than I was with Nolan. I don't know if this baby is stretched out more, or bigger than Nolan was, or both, but the baby has been kicking my rib. It actually hurts my stomach when the baby stretches! But I am happy that the baby is growing and active. I go back next Tuesday for another routine check-up. 

Nolan has been his cute little self as usual. He is really into saying, "Hooray _____!" (insert someone's name or something he likes, such as Hooray Mama! or Hooray lights!) It's so cute. He has started drinking out of a cup at mealtimes and is doing really well with it. He usually only spills when he tips the cup sideways to look at the bubbles. 

Last weekend we went to the Galaxy Drive-In for dinner. It was so fun! I was a little nervous because we ate at picnic tables. I didn't want to be chasing Nolan all night! But he was a big boy and sat on the bench nicely the entire time. He loved people watching (and dog watching) and waved and said byebye to the other patrons as they left. Keegan came with (dogs get free ice cream cones) and he did really well, too! He sat down or laid by us the entire time. We'll have to go back there again soon!

We also went down to the lake, which Nolan loved. He loves seeing Grandma and Papa and everyone else. We went out on the boat and Nolan fell asleep in Jason's arms! It was so sweet. Hard to do with the bright sun and bulky life jacket on, but he took a decent nap. He also had a blast playing with all the light switches in the house with Papa. 

Nolan has been very affectionate lately, giving lots of hugs and kisses. He also lays his head on my shoulder when I pick him up. I love it! Although he does give kisses to try to get out of trouble, such as when I catch him climbing on a table. He thinks a kiss will make me forget what he did. Don't know where/how he learned that, but I have to admit, it is charming! :)

Here are pictures and videos from the last few weeks. 

Tired guy snuggling with me

36 weeks to 36 weeks 5 days. Baby is growing!

My big guy drinking from a cup. He's so proud of himself!

Who, me? 

Flowers from Jason for our 3rd anniversary! 

36 weeks with Nolan on left, baby #2 on right

Keegan was devastated when Jason and Nolan went on a bike ride without him.

Asleep in Jason's arms

Eating at the drive-in. So fun!

Big boy playing at the park.

He loves to run across the bridge. 

Nolan would have ketchup and only ketchup for a meal if I let him!

We need to keep Nolan in a dome/bubble. He now climbs fences!

Earning his keep! :)

It was a two baby kind of day. 

Realizing that I cut the baby's foot off (It was almost off already from Nolan chewing on it. I didn't want him to swallow it!)

How Keegan cools off! 

Talking to the cat. I love when he giggles and says, "No no no!"

Ahh the videos aren't working again! I'll have to do it the slow way and upload them onto my laptop, then onto the blog. I'll post them in a new post when I do.