Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

My spring break has started off well, despite the non-spring weather! I'm hoping the snow will be mostly gone by the time I go back to work next week.

Today Nolan and I went to Jason's work. We stopped up at his floor and visited with his colleagues. Nolan was shy at first, but then warmed up and smiled. He really loved looking out the huge windows and watching the cars on 169. He also liked telling Jason to pull the shades "Dow!"  I think his favorite thing was running down the long hallways! It was so cute watching his little legs running as fast as they could go. Everyone loved him,  and loved watching him run and babble. Then we went down to the cafeteria and ate lunch. Nolan enjoyed a grilled cheese sandwich.

Another fun activity we did was finger paint! Sounds messy, but I saw a great idea on Pinterest. You put the finger paint in a ziploc bag and tape it to a window. Nolan can move the paint around inside the bag and it doesn't make a mess! Super easy and fun.

The last few weeks have gone by fast, as usual. Nolan is saying more words and is learning and growing! He has cut all his molars now and also his top canines. I'm sure the bottoms will be coming soon!

Baby #2 is growing! I have a little baby bump starting, which I need to take a picture of soon. I'm 17 weeks along now. I go in next week for a check-up and then two weeks after that is my 20 week ultrasound! This pregnancy seems to be flying by! My morning sickness is gone. I don't get nearly as nauseas when I'm hungry or when I take my vitamin and I have more energy. Sleeping is getting a little more difficult though. I've broken out my pregnancy pillow, which helps a little.

More updates soon!

Pictures... In backwards chronological order...This is how they uploaded on my phone.

Kissing the finger paint that's in a plastic bag

Having fun with the finger paint 

Love his little outfit!

Nolan still loves baths!

St. Patty's Day

The leaning tower of Nolan

Playing nicely while I was getting ready for work.

Love his owl hat!

skinny jeans :)

Keegan looking dapper

Loving the car ride

He seriously played like this for a few minutes!

Hating haircut #2

The finished product (and in the tub)!

Silly guy

Definitely time for haircut #2

Fell asleep in my arms :)

So excited about his new ball!

Future Gustie?!


"Oh no!" How did this happen?!?

Little heart breaker on Valentines Day

Hugs for Abigail

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Only Child...

Nolan's "only child" status is set to expire! Baby McCabe #2 due in early September! Jason and I are very excited! I'm in the second trimester now and am feeling pretty well. I had some morning sickness this time, but it wasn't as bad as it was with Nolan, which was nice since I'm so busy chasing him around! I plan to update the blog with Nolan's news and any pregnancy news. 

This time around we're on "Team Green". I promised Jason during my last pregnancy that if we find out the sex of baby #1, then we won't for baby #2 (he didn't want to find out, but I did). So I'm sticking to my word and we're waiting until the baby is born! It's already driving me nuts! haha :)  I'm not really reading up on any old wives' tales this time. They were wrong last time, so I don't really believe them. But it will be so fun and exciting to hear Jason say, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" 

Nolan is just as active as ever, of course! He's getting better at not climbing up on tables though. He'd still like to, and still does once in awhile, but is listening (for the most part) when we tell him to get down or not to climb up. He's adding new words to his vocabulary, which is so fun. He says Elmo, door, stop, "bee bee" (beep beep) for a car, "bir" for big bird, "bu" for bus, and "ga"for gone. I'm sure there are other new words, but I can't think of them right now.

You can tell that Nolan is understanding a lot of what we say. He absolutely loves baths, and is devastated when it isn't bath night (such dry weather here, we can't do it every night). Last night was a bath night, but he didn't think it was, so he was throwing a tantrum. I asked, "Nolan, what do you want?" And he stopped thrashing, looked me in the eye and said, "Ba! Ba!" (bath)  I asked, "Do you want to take a bath?" And he grinned and started saying "Ba! Ba!" again, excited this time because he knew he was going to get to take a bath. He was so happy that he was going to take a bath, but also that he was being understood. 

Nolan is busy observing, watching, learning, and copying our behavior. Every time I let Keegan outside I peek my head out the door and make sure our gate is shut. Now my little parrot Nolan will also go to the door, stick his head out and peek to the left. He has no idea what he's looking for, but he knows that's what we do when we let Keegan out! I also knock on the door when I want Keegan to come in or if he's doing something he shouldn't outside. Nolan now knocks at the door too, saying, "No no!" and shaking his finger at Keegan. It's hilarious. 

Nolan knows that he isn't supposed to touch the buttons on Jason's computer, PS3, or our printer. Sometimes he'll say, "No no!" and then push them anyway. But he also thinks that we're not supposed to touch them either. The other day Jason was on his computer and went to print something out. Nolan ran over to him, very worried, putting his hands on his cheek and saying, "Ohhhhh! No no! Ohhh! No no, Dada!" It was so cute and funny!! The same thing happened this weekend when Jason took Nolan to Target. Nolan knocked some things off a shelf, so Jason told him no, you can't do that. Then a little later Jason grabbed something off a shelf and put it in the cart. Nolan got very concerned, covered his cheeks with his hands and said, "Ohhhh! No no!" 

Nolan had his second haircut this past weekend. His hair grows so fast! He hated the entire experience, but did well. Here are some pictures from his first haircut, back in early January. 

Poor guy! He was not happy!

Trying to get him to watch the movie that was playing

All done!

As you can tell, Nolan did not enjoy the experience. 

"Let's get outta here!!!"

Here are a few more pictures from Christmas and Valentine's Day (I am obviously not very prompt at uploading pictures!)

Nolan the Elf

He loves to knock towers over

Love him!

It's more fun to sit on your presents than it is to open and play with them!

Valentine's Day - our little heart breaker

Where's Nolan? If he can't see us, we can't see him!

Love Keegs in the background