I've heard from multiple sources that a baby is a walker or a talker. The brain focuses on one big thing at a time, so if a baby is an early talker, he/she probably won't be an early walker, and vice versa. Nolan was an early walker, so he wasn't talking yet. Over this last month he started to say some words, and it is so fun! He now says mama, dada, nana (banana), ni-ni (night night), and num num. He also says mmmmm for moo. We have been signing with Nolan since he was 6 months, and it has been obvious for awhile now that he understands a lot of the signs. For instance, just the other night I asked him if he wanted milk, and he took off into his bedroom and ran to the rocking chair where we nurse. When I sign for drink, he turns his head and looks at his sippy cup. He does sign "eat", "milk", and "more". It's so fun that he understands some of what we say now and is able to let us know what he wants!
Another completely adorable thing that Nolan does that melts our hearts is kiss the air. He smacks his little lips together and makes a kiss noise. My mom says that he will walk over to the baby gate that I meet him at when I pick him up after work, say "mama", and kiss the air. SO SWEET! Last weekend my parents watched Nolan overnight while Jason and I went to his cousin Jamie's wedding. It was Nolan's first overnight (he did better than I did, I think). He did the mama/kiss thing that weekend. He must have missed me! Then this work week he was eating lunch in his highchair and started saying "mama, dada" and kissing the air. It is the cutest thing ever! And Nolan is generous with his kisses. The other day when we were hanging out at my mom's before I went to work he went up to my mom and looked up at her and kissed the air. What a sweetie!
Today our little man turned 11 months old. I know I say this in the majority of my posts, but I cannot believe how fast time flies. Seriously. One more month and we will have a 1 year old on our hands! What!?
In the meantime, here are some pictures and videos of our little guy. Enjoy!
Playing under a table at a restaurant
Cheesy smile
Love this.
Sweater made by my mom's friend Kathy Kallas when my mom was pregnant with me! Love it. And I love the red khakis. :)