Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Month Check-Up

Today we had Nolan's six month check-up, even though he's closer to seven months than he is to six months. We got a little off schedule with his check-ups because his pedi wasn't available for a couple weeks after he turned four months, so we had a late four month appt. Vaccinations need to be two months apart, so his six month appt had to be a few weeks after his six month birthday. Now that we don't need to go back until nine months, we can go the week he turns nine months instead of waiting a few more weeks, since it will be well over two months between vaccinations at that point. Not that it really matters, but it bugged me that we got off track and were going when he was 4.5 months and 6.5 months.

The visit went very well! First, the nurse weighed Nolan. He is now 18 lbs, 10 oz. He's gained 3 lbs in the last couple months! That made me happy because he hadn't gained as much from ages 2-4 months, when his reflux got bad. But ever since we started solids and Prilosec for his reflux, he's been able to hold his food down and is now gaining weight again. Nolan's weight is in the 60th%.
Nolan's height is 27.75", which is the 82%. He is a long and lean guy! He was at the 80th% for his two month visit, but dropped to the 50th% for his four month, and is now back to the 82nd%. The nurse we had today thinks that they probably measured him inaccurately at the four month appt, because while babies and children go through periods of growth spurts and periods of slow growth, it seems extreme to jump from 80th to 50th and back up to the 80th over a period of four months.

Next, the nurse practioner came in. We discussed how much solids Nolan is eating (cereal/oatmeal with a veggie/fruit 2x per day) and how in the last few weeks he is waking up in the middle of the night earlier than usual and is absolutely starving. We all agreed that we think it's time Nolan gets three meals per day. He is going to start eating stage 2 foods now, which are still pureed, but have a combo of foods (eg: apples, bananas, blueberries in one). He also can start pureed meat (yummy, right?!). Nolan also can eat foods such as baby yogurt, cottage cheese, and small, mushed up table food. I'm excited for him to start these! He is showing signs that he is ready to eat these foods. He grabs at his bottle, sippy cup, bowl, spoon, etc. and tries to feed himself. Nolan is a good little eater!

After that, the n.p. looked Nolan over and thought he looked great (which obviously he is :) ). She thinks that over the next few months his reflux should really start to go away, so hopefully by nine months he won't have to be on medication anymore. If he needs it still, that's totally fine. But it would be great if he didn't need to have it.

Finally, the bad part of the check-ups happened...the dreaded SHOTS! For Nolan's first couple of check-ups we had the same nurse, who was a pro at giving shots. It was boom boom done! This nurse seemed rather new and didn't give the two back-to-back. She took a bit of time to prepare and give the second shot, so Nolan screamed for awhile from the first to second shot. But then like the true champ he is, once the shots were given and he was scooped up into our arms he stopped screaming and didn't cry or shed a single tear. Little toughie. He even gave the meanie nurse a half smile as she left the room.

I did have to give Nolan some Tylenol this afternoon and evening. He got a low grade fever from the shots and seemed to be achy from them. :(  The Tylenol seemed to help, thankfully, and he turned back into my happy little man. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow!

We don't have the professional 6 month photos back, so I can't post those. I'm anxious to get them! Here are some photos from this week of Nolan being cute in this adorable outfit from Target. Gotta love the clearance section!

Mmm, toes!

I'm gonna suck you!

It's normal to sit and hold on to your toes, right?!

Cutie Pie

Love that little butt!

Nolan doesn't like to be idle. Blankets, carpet, he doesn't care what he is rolling or scooting on!

He's getting closer and closer to getting up on all fours!

Pretty blue eyes!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy Spring

These past few weeks have been pretty busy; I hope I can remember it all! A few Sundays ago Nolan, his cousin Abigail (my sister Laurie and brother in-law Nick's daughter), and my parents had a photo shoot. It was a Christmas present to my parents from both of our families. The photo shoot went well! We got some excellent shots of the two cousins and of the grandparents with the cousins. Nolan just smiled and gazed at Abigail for most of the photo shoot, which is what he usually does when he's with her. He absolutely adores her! The feeling is reciprocated. Abigail adores him right back. She gives him kisses and has her baby dolls give him kisses, too! It's super cute. Jason and I are trying to narrow down which photos we want to get printed. There are so many good ones to choose from!

The following Friday we took Nolan to Stillwater to have Judd Sather (studio j photography) do his 6 months photos. Nolan was a rockstar for the entire photo shoot! He was SO smiley! We went back to the studio this past Friday to choose some prints. It was SO HARD to choose because there were so many good ones! We somehow managed to make some decisions. I cannot wait to get them printed and framed. When I get the digital prints I will upload them on here.

Last week was my first official Mother's Day and it was wonderful! Jason let me sleep in and took care of Nolan after he woke up and nursed. Then he made me french toast for breakfast. After Nolan's morning nap we went to the MN Zoo, where moms got in for free that weekend. It was fun walking around and having Nolan look at the animals. He is such a people-watcher, so I think he looked at the people more than the animals. But he did watch the monkeys move around. His favorite was to look at the fish and sharks swimming in the huge aquariums. I think we need to get Nolan to Underwater World at the MOA soon! He will absolutely love going through the tunnel and watching fish swim all around. After the zoo we went to my parents' house for dinner. My parents gave me a sweet card and pretty smelling candle and Laurie and Nick gave me beautiful flowers, a card, and a CD of songs from The Voice. I loved it all! Jason gave me gorgeous earrings that have Nolan's birthstone, citrine, with tiny diamonds surrounding it. I love them! I'll post a picture of them soon. Overall it was a fantastic day. 

Last night we took my parents out for dinner as a thank you for watching Nolan while we work and for everything they do for us. We ate at the yummy Urban Eatery. The weather was hot and sunny so we ate outside on the patio. Nolan did so well! Jason and I were nervous because he woke up from his second nap at 2, so he'd been up for awhile. But he smiled, chatted, squealed, and flirted with other patrons and the staff. While we ate dinner he ate some banana out of his mesh feeder. He started to get tired at the end of our meal (it got later than we thought it would) and the weather took a nasty turn. It got dark, cloudy, windy, and started to rain! We quickly took off after that and went home and put Nolan to bed. He was such a good boy though.

Nolan's latest accomplishment is sitting on his own. He sits so well now! He has some toys he likes to play with while he sits. Sometimes he is content chewing on a toy and watching TV. His favorite "toy" right now is water bottles. He loves chewing on them and holding them. He cries when you take it away! Nolan has come very close to getting up on all fours. I can't believe how fast he is growing and learning!

This coming Friday we have Nolan's 6 month doctor appointment. I'm looking forward to finding out how much he weighs and how long he is, but I'm definitely NOT looking forward to his shots. Hopefully he'll handle them like a champ like last time and won't get any bad reactions.

Here are the lastest pictures of our little man:
Happy cousins

Smiley guy

Grandparent/Grandchildren love

Picture by the penguins! Too bad Nolan's about to blink.

No photos, please, I'm trying to read.

Trying the mesh feeder for the first time.

It's a hit!

Nolan's first pair of jeans

Big boy sitting by himself

Oh, hey Momma!

Happy boy at the restaurant!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Half Birthday, Nolan!

Nolan is 6 months old today! Jason and I can't believe how fast these last 6 months have gone. I think it's the fastest life has ever flown by for me. Nolan will be graduating before I know it!! haha

It's as if Nolan woke up and knew he was a little bit older, a little bit wiser. This morning he wanted to hold the bottle while Jason fed him (I was getting ready/pumping), like he usually does. But today Jason let go of the bottle and Nolan was able to hold it up and feed himself for about 10 seconds! Of course then he dropped it, but it was fun that he was able to do it for a little bit!

Then when I was feeding Nolan oatmeal and pears this evening, he grabbed the spoon out of my hand and held it in his mouth. Of course, then he gagged himself a little bit, so I quickly took it back from him. But you can see him starting to want to be a little more independent.

Yesterday Nolan, Abigail, and my parents had a photo shoot. I'll post some of those pictures when we get them. This Friday Nolan has his 6 month photo shoot with the amazing photographer, Judd Sather (studiojphotography). I'll also post some of those pictures when we get them.

Here are pictures Jason and I took tonight of our little man. Happy 6 months, Nolan! Mama and Dada love you sooooooo much!

You can't keep Nolan still! Diaper/clothes changes are impossible.

Kisses for mama.

Loving my little guy. Note: hand grabbing my hair. I'm going to be bald soon because of this!

6 months old!

Sweet smile.

Such a happy guy.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Goodbye, Pacifier!

A few weeks ago Jason and I were completely fed up with the pacifier. Nolan would lose it every one - two hours, requiring Jason or me to go in, retrieve it, and put it back in his mouth. Sometimes whoever put it back in would be back in bed, just about back to sleep, and Nolan would lose it again before he fell into a deep sleep. He was competely dependent on it for sleeping; it had become a total sleep crutch! None of us were getting good sleep. Jason and I decided it was time to ditch the paci and teach Nolan how to fall asleep on his own...

So we took the pacifier away one night and never gave it back! It sounds harsh, but Nolan has found ways to comfort himself (suck on his thumb, fingers, or fist, etc.). We had some crying but he is sleeping much better, and so are we! Naps have been harder (he is currently fighting a nap as I type this), but we have seen improvements with his naps, too. Overall, it was the best decision for all of us!

Here are recent pictures of Nolan:
Nolan's an airplane!

Big push-up

Give me that food!

What's this thing again? A foot?

Sweet baby.
Future Johnny? Jason thinks so! :)

Nolan is no fair-weather fan.
