Things have still been going well with everything. Other than getting rescheduled and having to wait at the doctor's a lot, I can't really complain too much. One doctor's appt was rescheduled due to the doctor being sick. Another time the doctor was the "hospital doctor" for the day, so when she came in my room she warned me that she had a patient at the hospital dilated to a 9, so she could get paged at any second to go deliver. Of course 2 minutes later she did. So that was a super fast appt! Then this past Friday I was scheduled to have the hospital doctor again. When I arrived at my appt I was told that she was in the middle of a C-section and then would be delivering another baby. I ended up seeing a nurse practitioner, which was fine. This coming Friday I made sure my appt is not with the hospital doctor for the day! Hopefully nothing will be rescheduled and I won't have to wait or switch doctors at the last minute.
Besides that drama, the appointments have gone well. I'm showing some signs of labor, which is exciting. I don't really feel the need to post what exactly I'm dilated/effaced/what station the baby's head is at though. You could walk around dilated to a 4 for weeks and not go into labor or you could not be dilated at all and go into labor, so it really doesn't matter what you're dilated to.
Jason and I have been busy buying last minute things for the baby and getting the nursery ready! It is almost all set up - except for the CRIB! It still hasn't come yet. The company we bought it from is based out of New Jersey and said our crib is in the truck ready to go, but the truck isn't full yet and they're not going to send it out here until it is full. HOPEFULLY that will be soon! The baby won't be using the crib right away so it's not vital that we have it before he comes, but I want the nursery to be ready! I will take pictures and post them on here when the nursery is all done.
This baby is going to have a tough decision to make in the future - Gustavus or St. John's! (Jason and I actually decided that whatever college he ends up at is fine, as long as it isn't St. Olaf or St. Thomas (our rivals)). Sorry, Christine! :)
I've had three baby showers now, which all have been wonderful! We've been blessed to get many wonderful things for the baby. I feel lucky to have such caring family and friends. My first shower was hosted by Jason's Aunt Joni and his mom, Colleen, and had women (and many kids!) from both sides of his family there. My second shower was hosted by my friends Alicia and Callie and had a bunch of my coworkers there. My third shower was hosted by Natalie, Christine, and Elsa and had a bunch of my friends there! They were all different types of baby showers, and all of them were very fun! Thank you to all those who hosted a shower and those who came! :)
Other than that, the bags are packed and we're pretty ready! I'm just hoping my water doesn't break while I'm teaching... :)
35 weeks
36 weeks
37 weeks
38 weeks