I went to the doctor last week for my 30 week appointment and I experienced major "pregnancy brain" (aka forgetfulness). The nurse who weighed me gave me a label and a cup so I could give a urine sample. I went into the bathroom, completely forgot about the cup, and used the bathroom just like normal. I didn't realize until I was washing my hands that I forgot to give a sample! I felt stupid as I told the nurse, but she laughed and said that it happens more than you think it would. So I felt a little better after she told me that....until my lovely mom laughed at me and told me that the nurse probably "felt sorry for me so she just told me that to make me feel better." Thanks, Mom! (My mom was just joking, though.)
The rest of the appointment went well. The heartbeat was steady and strong. I was measuring at 31 weeks though, so I think the little guy is getting big!
This week I've been having a lot of round ligament pain. The ligaments that hold the uterus in suspension have been aching a lot. As the uterus stretches and grows, the ligaments tense like rubber bands. The only thing that helps is to lie down, which isn't exactly an option when I'm teaching! Thankfully the past few days have been better.
I go back to the doctor a week from tomorrow for my 32 week appointment. Time is flying by!
29 weeks
30 weeks
31 weeks